Have you ever thought about the people who truly make a difference in your life...the people who make you a better person just by you being with them? Today I want to reflect on a visit from two of the most influential people in our family's lives. Last week Tom and Wanda came for a visit, and because of their visit our family was blessed beyond measure. Throughout the week, we laughed...we cried...we were on the go...we relaxed...we talked...we listened...we were loud...we were silent...we were at home...we were away. All in all, our lives and home will never be the same because of their presence. I am forever reminded that God knows just who we need in our lives and when we need them. These two people are some of the most Godly people I know...two people who are slow to judge and quick to make you feel loved and important...Hmmm...I know someone else who has these characteristics...Jesus Christ. We are so fortunate to have Tom and Wanda in our lives, and God has two wonderful servants. Look below at some of the highlights while they were here.
They arrived on Friday, and off we went Saturday morning to New York City via the Metro North Train from Waterbury. We checked in at the Marriott Marquis at Times Square.

We saw the New York Yankees win against the Tortonto Bluejays. Our seats were only 6 rows from the field!

We ate dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner where they had singing waitstaff. Our waiter sang to Wanda.

Our July 4th visit to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island was quite moving.

After returning to Battery Park from Ellis Island, we were entertained by a local contortionist. I hurt just watching him.

Dinner at Bubba Gumps was delicious, and we had seats overlooking Times Square. We enjoyed answering trivia questions our server asked about the movie. By the way...we knew all the correct answers!
We visited several other places, but I can't seem to find the pictures...Trinity Church, St. Paul Chapel, Ground Zero, Fireworks on the 4th, Rockefeller Center & Radio City Music Hall.

We had breakfast at Junior's Monday morning. It was a cute restaurant that specialized in huge portions. Bill, Tom and I ordered 4-egg omelets.

Our last day in New York we enjoyed "hanging out" with some of our favorite famous people at Madame Tussaud's.

Tom wanted to have a hotdog on the streets of New York City before we left, so he did!
After three full days in New York, we returned to Grand Central Station (Terminal) and enjoyed having dinner on the lower level. Wanda was shocked at seeing 4 different people digging in the trash cans for food.

On the train...ready to return to our house.
We spent two nights at our house before heading to Boston...

As soon as we arrived in Boston, we went on a Duck Tour. We traveled on land and sea (Charles River) to see all the sights of Boston. This tour was both informative and fun.
Then we checked in at the Hyatt Regency where Kylie (Taylor's girlfriend) joined us. Kylie is living in Boston this summer while doing an internship at John Hancock. We were most appreciative that she came to the rescue and served as our guide.

Kylie led us on a short walk to Quincy Market where we were entertained by gymnasts, singers/musicians. Then we had dinner at Cheers..."Where everybody knows your name".

After shopping, we visited more, rested some and enjoyed the entertainment.

Before Kylie caught the "T" and we returned to our hotel, we walked over to the pier.
After a night and a couple days in Boston, we headed to Springfield to the Basketball Hall of Fame where we saw important basketball memorbilia and inductee information. Wanda and I even participated in some interactive fun...we were sports announcers...Imagine that!

We left the Basketball Hall of Fame and stopped by Cracker Barrel in Enfield, Connecticut, so Bill and I could get our fill of southern cooking. Then we returned to our home. The next day Beth, Luke, Kyle, Rachel, Brennan and Taylor (Oh...and Miley too) joined us for a cookout. Here are some pictures from the cookout...

This was an AWESOME vacation with some AWESOME people!!!